Since its establishment at the end of 2020, during the pandemic, we have organized and conducted more than thirty Christian education webinars (data as of July 2023). We have also held the Christian Teacher Certification (CTC) program for Christian teachers and certified 14 educators during 2022.

The CTC module consists of: Module 1: History of Christian education, Module 2: Philosophy of Christian education, Module 3: Integration of faith and learning, and Module 4: Theories of learning and teaching from a Christian perspective.

Christian Teacher Certification - CTC

The History of Christian Education

The History of Christian Education is the first module of Christian Teacher Certification (CTC), consist of Israel system of education, Greek system of education, Roman Education, medieval, Reinassance, Reformation, Enlightment, moderen and American education, and History of Indonesian Education.

Modul 1

The Philosophy of Christian Education

The second module CTC, consist of understanding of various philosophy of Education, realism, idealism, Greek Philosophy of Education, empiricism, behaviorism, progressive, pragmatism, existentialism, postmodernism and Christian philosophy of Education

Modul 2

Integration Faith and Learning

The third module CTC consist of understanding of integration, Martha Mc Cullough, Model integration John W. Taylor, Model integration Robert Harris, develop Creation Fall Redemption and Consummation Framework, supporting Document, core curriculum, organization and curriculum development for Integration

Modul 3

Learning and Teaching theory in Christian Perspectives

Learning and Teaching theory in Christian Perspectives is the fourth module CTC, consist of understanding of theory of Learning and Teaching, Erick Erikson, Jean Piaget, Kohlberg moral theory, faith development Fowler, and other theory David Kolb, Anthony Mc Gregorg thinking style and understanding of All Truth of God's Truth.

Modul 4

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